(480) 447-3377

Choosing an assisted living home in Chandler, AZ

How to chose an assisted living home

Since the care of our loved ones is so important and we only want the best for them, how do you determine the best care home.  Trust your instincts and how you feel about a place.  First oft and most important is the cleanliness and smell.  If there is a smell, there is nothing else that matters or will make up for that.  A smell in a home means residents aren’t being changed regularly, lack in skill or experience of caregivers, or not enough caregivers on staff.  It doesn’t matter the price or amenities there is nothing that will make up for that!

Next meet the caregivers to see if they are friendly and busy.  If they are sitting around, on their phone, or if they don’t seem happy.  You want caregivers that enjoy their work and seem to enjoy where they work.

Next as you are touring is to observe the residents and if they are well groomed, hair combed, dressed appropriately, and clean shaven.  Since many residents can’t care for themselves you want to see the caregivers take pride in the residents they care for.

Meet the owner and see if they are aware of what goes on day to day.  Are they involved, and know the residents names and personalities.  You want to have a great team of people caring for your loved one.  No one person can do it alone, but if the team is too big information gets lost and the level of care diminishes.

Blue Sky Assisted Living has a couple homes that have an excellent team, great care and loving environment.  The care is exceptional, but the price remains affordable!  Please call (480) 447-3377 for a tour and assessment.

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